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Strategy for Data Concerning Electric Vehicles Recharging Infrastructure

The Draft Strategy for Data Concerning Electric Vehicles Recharging Infrastructure Plan sets out the measures to be implemented to effectively collect, use, and make data available to appropriate stakeholders and end users.

image from the data strategy

The Strategy’s objective is to deliver the data infrastructure and policies required to support users of the Electric Vehicles Recharging Infrastructure in Ireland.

It will show how data will be shared with the public to help enhance the EV charging experience to ensure drivers have more information so that they know the best charging points to go to for their cars, and their budget.

The data to be made available will tell EV owners whether the charging point is compatible with their car, the charging point’s power capacity, price, and whether it’s operational or in use at the time.

The data will be made available to information service providers directly by the Charge Point Operators through an open Application Programming Interface.

It is envisaged that the market including mobile app developers and information services developers will provide the means to access that data through apps, and to visualise it, use it and share it.

Delivery of this Strategy is of paramount importance as the publicly accessible charge point network grows, the data practices underlying our charging infrastructure will play an increasingly important role. The data will provide more transparency and be openly available, under governmental and EU guidelines.

ZEVI hereby invites any interested parties to make submissions or observations about the Draft Strategy.

Have your say

To have your say on the draft Strategy for Data Concerning Electric Vehicles Recharging Infrastructure Plan by visiting the public consultation.