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Draft Regional and Local EV Charging Network Plan

The Draft Regional and Local EV Charging Network Plan is the second element of the National EV Charging Network Plan and follows the development of the National Road Network EV Charging Plan which was launched for public consultation in September 2023.

image from the regional and local plan

This plan provides a pathway for the accelerated delivery of regional and local networks of public electric vehicle (EV) charging infrastructure in cities, towns and villages across Ireland, in line with both national and European ambitions for cleaner transportation.

It ensures a cohesive and standardised approach and will be led by local authorities, working together to develop regional and local strategies to promote a unified and efficient rollout of charging infrastructure and to facilitate the equitable transition to EVs.

This plan is complementary to National Road Network EV Charging Plan, which focuses on the national expansion of the high-powered charging network on the Motorway, Ten-T and National roads.

The National EV Charging Network plan and the initiatives therein will drive the delivery of charging infrastructure to be ahead of demand and deliver AFIR requirements for both LGVs and HGVs by 2025.

Download the Plan and related documents below.